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Omg . . . who is responsible for hiring the drivers for the St. Thomas Transit Service?

I think the person who hires St. Thomas Transit drivers should be forced to play Undercover Boss and ride the buses for a day . . . SERIOUSLY!!!

On the plus side, for $2.50 I can get to just about everywhere in town . . . usually . . .

Today was the WORST ride I've ever had.  I transferred to the Hospital bus at the terminal near Walmart and it was downhill from there.  The driver was ridiculous.  The first time she hit the brakes to avoid running into the back of a car on Talbot Street near Briwood, I had to grab the bar on the back of the seat in front of me and the lady in front of me put her hands up against the partition between her and the driver. Her hard braking nearly threw me and an elderly lady out of our seats several times in the few blocks I rode that bus.  HEY DRIVER, WE DON'T HAVE A STEERING WHEEL TO HANG ON TO!!!!!!!   I won't be crafting or scrapbooking tonight because my right wrist is hurt now . . .

To add to the fun, I ran my errand and went to a bus stop which should have returned me to the depot.  When I still hadn't seen the bus by 5:10 I decided to go to the stop across the street intending to catch the bus as it left the terminal on the next run.  I didn't get to that bus stop in time because the bus that should have left the terminal at 5:15 passed me on the other side of the street at 5:14.  Not sure how that happened.  I'd already been standing for 1/2 hour in the heat with no shade and I was not going to wait another 1/2 hour (or so) so I just started walking.

I walked right through the construction site and just glared at the workers, daring them to tell me I couldn't be there.  I must have looked pretty mad because they just glanced at me and then turned back to what they were doing.  I made it to Walmart and basked in the air conditioning. 

I think if I ever see that woman behind the wheel of any bus I'm about to step into, I will turn and walk away.

Okay . . . rant over . . .


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