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Midnight Cropping

Had a good day today.  I planned on it being a pyjama day until 5 pm but a phone call that Cotton Ginny is going out of business and is clearing out at 50-80% caused my heart to flutter.  I picked up Mom and off we went.  I picked up 4 pretty tops for $15.00 but since I had a gift certificate that needed to be used up, I only actually paid $4 and change (thanks Connie!). 

I had a pile of photos to pick up at Walmart and it was "old home week" there.  First I ran into my grandmother who was upset that the price of pantyhose had gone up and made the cashier (in the express line) double-check the price.  I'm sure she was very popular there . . . LOL.

We were wandering out the door when in walked my son, DIL, and 3 grandsons.  So we just hugged all around and plopped down on some benches for a visit and to look at my photos.  The boys are so adorable, although I am sure my almost-teen grandson would rather I didn't say that, and they make me smile every time I see them.

When I got home I packed some scrapbook kits and headed for the LSS in Lambeth for a midnight crop.  I stopped at Tim Horton's for my first free coffee of the year and then at Cyprus Pizza to order my contribution to the pot luck supper . . . and then a fun filled evening of scrapbooking with some lovely friends.

What a great evening.  I wasn't able to complete any layouts because I only brought paper, photos and a basic tool kit.  But I put together quite a few pages that just need titles, journalling and some embellishment to complete. 

The best part about a midnight crop is the company . . . and the food . . .

We are a very diverse group of women . . . young to old . . . single ladies, young mothers, and little old grandmas like me.  And yet we speak the same language and really enjoy each other's company.  They are all so talented at scrapbooking and at making yummy food.  Supper was delicious salads and snacks and desserts . . . some lovely and healthy and some absolutely decadent . . . I usually reward myself with a treat after every page I complete but I had to stop because I just couldn't eat any more . . . I think the fudge and dessert nachos just finished me off . . . LOL . . .

Aunt Sandra was telling some pretty off-colour jokes tonight . . . I'm not sure if we were laughing at the jokes or laughing at the fact that she was telling them . . . perhaps it was a little of both.

I was home by 1 am and after I finish this blog post I'm going to have a cup of tea and call it a night.  Tomorrow can be a pyjama day.

And guess what?  I won a free donut when I rolled up the rim of my free coffee. 

Nighty night,


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