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Adventures in a Transport Truck - Friday

When we reached the Ottawa yard, Hal requested some off duty in a motel.  When we returned to Toronto we were possibly picking up a load for Winnipeg.  We both were in need of a shower and a warm bed.  And I was going insane with no internet access all week.

So we bobtailed it to the WelcomINNS Hotel in Ottawa.  It is a very nice hotel, but to us it was luxurious.  And the free breakfast was still set out . . . score!!!  Hal jumped into the shower and then crashed into bed.  I was more interested in finding out what was going on at home.  Boy was I in for a shock.  That's when I found out my oldest grandson had been injured and was in hospital in London waiting for a room, a surgeon and an operating room.  I wish I had been there, but at the same time I'm glad I wasn't.  Leaving a child with a badly broken and dislocated arm, nerve and tendon damage and keeping him stoned on morphine rather than getting him fixed for over 48 hours was more than I could of handled without smacking someone.  My fuse is much shorter than it was when my kids were young.  Austin is now home and beginning to recover but its going to be a long road for him.

I made the decision then that I wasn't going to continue on the road with Hal.  It was time to go home.  I finished posting a couple of blog posts, drank a couple of coffees and ate the fruit and muffins from the breakfast bar.  Dispatch called to let Hal know that he was picking up another driver in Toronto to take a rush load to Calgary.  So I guess I was meant to come home.  I finally jumped into the shower and then went to bed.

We woke up around 3 pm and headed back to the Ottawa yard to pick up our trailer.  And then we were off to Stittsville and then Toronto.  Hal kept laughing at me because I have apparently started talking like a trucker.  Not swearing.  But constantly bitching at all the cars, the GPS, construction and anything else that affected our trip.

We stopped at Denny's somewhere on the road and had a really nice supper.  It was my first time at a Denny's.  I had country fried steak & eggs with and grits.  Hal had Sweet & Tangy BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes and fiesta corn.  Both entrees were delicious. 

Now, if you know Hal, you know he does not like spicy food . . . not even a little bit.  So he looked at the corn rather suspiciously and asked what was in it.  I said I saw tomatoes and onions and that's all I said.  He took the first bite and seemed to be enjoying it . . . and then he shivered.  What the heck was that, he said.  And then he had another bite and commented that it was kind of a fun taste.  He cleaned his plate.  I guess he is finally learning to love spicy . . . maybe a little.

I couldn't resist ordering a dessert and two spoons . . . Maple Bacon Ice Cream Sundae . . . and surprisingly it was delicious. 

When we arrived at the Toronto yard it was mass craziness.  Trucks were everywhere and everyone was in a hurry to get out on the road.  I've never seen it so busy.  I unloaded all my luggage from the truck and took home all the laundry as well.  I was sad to end my trucking adventure but looking forward to getting home to check on Mom and Austin. 

I was really nervous about the drive home alone though because I knew I was already tired and I had a 2 hour drive ahead. 

I did well until around Woodstock and I noticed I was starting to nod off.  So I cranked up the radio, rolled down the window and screamed disco songs all the rest of the way home.


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