I spotted this product in Walmart a few weeks ago.
It comes in several flavours and I've tried them all now . . . and I love them.
Tonight I had the tofu and curry sauce. I put some Basmati rice (my favourite) in my rice cooker and threw a bunch of leftover veggies -- bean sprouts, cauliflower, green pepper, onion and spinach -- in a pan to stir fry for a couple of minutes. Then all you do is add the tofu and sauce and a little water -- voila -- supper!!!
I spent quite a bit of time sorting through all the family tree information I've been collecting. Now comes the fun part -- putting all the pieces of the puzzle of my family together somehow. I do love a good puzzle.
My eyes are tired so I think it is time to shut down my laptop and get some ZZZZZs.
Nighty night
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