Today's Writing Prompt: Olympics
Are you watching the Sochi Olympics? (Many people are boycotting them or just aren't interested.) If not, why not? If yes, what do you think so far? Any favorite sports, stories, athletes?
I'm not a real sports fan but I do enjoy the Olympics. Sadly, February was a slow month at work for the hubby and he kept interrupting my Olympics-viewing. He is not a fan. Don't know why.
Today's Writing Prompt: Olympics
Are you watching the Sochi Olympics? (Many people are boycotting them or just aren't interested.) If not, why not? If yes, what do you think so far? Any favorite sports, stories, athletes?
I'm not a real sports fan but I do enjoy the Olympics. Sadly, February was a slow month at work for the hubby and he kept interrupting my Olympics-viewing. He is not a fan. Don't know why.
I only have one blog post for February 11th and it is about a paper piecing I had just finished making. http://inmyworld-pam.blogspot.ca/2014/02/paper-piecings-small-suitcases.html
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day
When : Always February 11th
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is in recognition that everyone spills a little milk now and then. It's a day to be optimistic, think positive, look on the bright side, and to find something good in everything that happens. As the song says: Don't Worry, be Happy!
Today is a day to recognize that s_ _ _ happens. And, when it does, Don't worry, or fret, or cry over it. Rather, take a positive attitude and fix it, or get past it.
We all know the concept of the question: Is the glass half full or half empty? The pessimist sees it as half empty. The optimist sees it as half full. It's all an attitude towards life.
You should participate in "Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day" with an optimistic attitude and a smile on your face.

When : Always February 11th
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is in recognition that everyone spills a little milk now and then. It's a day to be optimistic, think positive, look on the bright side, and to find something good in everything that happens. As the song says: Don't Worry, be Happy!
Today is a day to recognize that s_ _ _ happens. And, when it does, Don't worry, or fret, or cry over it. Rather, take a positive attitude and fix it, or get past it.
We all know the concept of the question: Is the glass half full or half empty? The pessimist sees it as half empty. The optimist sees it as half full. It's all an attitude towards life.
You should participate in "Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day" with an optimistic attitude and a smile on your face.
Source: http://www.holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/spilledmilkday.htm
February 11, 1942 - Musical comedienne Anna Russell gives her First one-woman show at the Eaton Auditorium; her parodies of concert music and opera, made her a favorite around the world. Toronto, Ontario
Source: http://canadachannel.ca/todayincanadianhistory/index.php/February_11
I couldn't find any videos that would allow me to embed them in this blog post but I do suggest you check out some her videos on youtube . . . very funny . . . very clever.

Source: http://canadachannel.ca/todayincanadianhistory/index.php/February_11
I couldn't find any videos that would allow me to embed them in this blog post but I do suggest you check out some her videos on youtube . . . very funny . . . very clever.
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