He needs to be a fixer because I am mechanically challenged. It is a proven fact. Hal has been on a long run and finally home after 8 days. The first thing he notices is that the computers aren't working well and I have an old mouse attached to my computer.
He runs the maintenance and updates on all of our computers and notebooks and laptops and fixes my mouse. I have my beloved wireless mouse again . . . pink to match my pink laptop.
He notices my shoulders are hunched over and I'm having trouble picking things up with my right hand . . . again. He knows just how to fix the knot in my shoulder that is causing this. What a relief!!!!
I wanted to make him a lovely home cooked meal . . . and he got the slow cooker down from the top cupboard for me . . .
I finally stopped him in his tracks when he asked about the DVD player . . . in pieces . . . in my office. A rented disc got stuck in it so I took all the screws out to remove the disc but I couldn't figure out how to put it all back together again. 'Did you unplug it first?' he asks. 'I'm alive, aren't I?' I think I unplugged it first . . . LOL.
Did I mention that besides being short and mechanically challenged, I am also afraid of electricity?
I just fed him a delicious pot roast dinner with enough leftovers for supper if he doesn't get called into work tonight.
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