The archaeological remains of the town of Indiana, including an Irish Catholic cemetery, pasture land, orchards, hedgerows, and last remaining house located on site offer a rare glimpse into the rise and fall of many early towns in Upper Canada.
An extensive Conservation Easement Agreement between the RPNHS and the Ontario Heritage Trust (formerly the Ontario Heritage Foundation) (OHT)was completed and registered on title. This Agreement is integral in protecting and conserving the significant cultural and heritage features of the property through land management, built heritage conservation and education.
The dedicated members of the RPNHS Board of Directors are responsible for governance of the property in compliance with the Ontario Heritage Trust Easement Agreement, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (Haldimand County Bylaw 1483-98), and the Board’s Mission and Vision Statements.
The RPNHS is an Associate member of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA) which has in its objects the protection and conservation of natural and cultural heritage areas and has adopted the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices as the technical and ethical guidelines for stewardship activities.
Ruthven Park will be an exemplary steward of the significant built heritage resources and natural and cultural landscapes entrusted to its care and become a model for research, conservation, public education and involvement where people enjoy history and appreciate how it affects their present and future.
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