Ladies Day Out (L.D.O.) is for anyone who needs a break and wants company while doing it! Spend a day out and reconnect with old friends and feel free to invite some new friends too! The cost is $5 per day per person (table space only) at St Mark’s Church Hall in St Thomas, Ontario. The next date is Thursday October 29th from 9-3. DON"T BE DISCOURAGED if this date doesn't work for you! The plan is to change the day of the week each time so everyone gets a chance to come! Work on your craft, painting, sewing, scrapbooking, paper tole,crocheting, knitting, needlepoint, card making, sewing or any other project you choose to bring. Because no food is provided (hence the very low cost),remember to bring your lunch. Close by (but a little far to walk) is a Tim Hortons, a variety store and a Shoppers Drug Mart. Everyone is welcome. PLEASE RSVP. If the event is successful, then we would like to continue it on a regular basis. ***We may consider ...