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Showing posts from September, 2009

Autumn Embellishments for Sale

Pie $2.50 Apples $4.50 Acorns $5.75

I Believe -- Wednesday @ 1 pm -- $15.00

I wish the photo was better. The layout background is a really pretty pattern and the mats are a lovely shade of green . . . I Believe is you chance to scrapbook about yourself . . . This layout was designed to pay tribute to those women who have influenced our lives; lead us to be the women we are today.

Autumn Embellishments $5.75 each

Thirty Minute Layouts

Tonight's 30 minute layouts. I put together a couple of extra kits so it's not too late to sign up. The class has been moved to my studio. See ya Pam

Crafting Made Simple Newsletter - September 19 2009

Crafting Made Simple September 19 2009 Thirty Minute Layouts You will be amazed by the terrific layouts you can create in mere minutes. By the end of the class, you will have created four layouts that only need photos and your own personal touches to complete. Bring your basic kit. $24.00 Monday, September 21 @ 7 pm @ Joyceā€™s home studio I Believe A chance to scrapbook about yourself . . . and you don't have to get too serious (if you don't want to). Bring your basic kit. $15.00 Wednesday, September 23 @ 7 pm @ Pamā€™s home studio Beginner Class I teach beginners everything they need to know to begin scrapbooking. Classes can be booked at your convenience and are taught in my studio. If you put a group together of 3 or more students, I am quite happy to travel to your home or venue to teach. Our Test Kitchen Blog Inspired by the movie Julia & Julie, we have embarked on a journey to try new and interesting recipes and share the recipes and our experienc...

Happy Birthday, Mom

Last week I posted a message to some of the ladies attending the Salvation Army crop on Saturday: Mom's birthday is today (10th) and I'd like to help her celebrate. On Saturday many of us, including Mom, will be cropping at the Salvation Army church on Elm Street. What I would like each of you to do is bring cake -- I don't care if it is a pancake, cupcake, loaf cake, or even an apple pie . . . lol . . . as long as it either says Happy Birthday or has candles or some such thing that will show that it is a birthday cake. She will love the humour and I think it will give her a great deal of happiness. I hope you will participate in my little surprise for mom.Ps . . . even if you aren't attending the crop, I hope you will find a moment in your day to pop in and wish Mom a happy birthday, with or without a cake . . . how about a twinkie from the corner store . . . lol???Thanks so much,Pam I think Mom enjoyed her surprise . . . she received everything from a Flaky decorated...

Five Generations

Learn to Knit

Why not Learn How to Knit?? Knitting is fulfilling, creative hobby to enjoy for your lifetime. You will receive a set of knitting needles, a darning needle, and cotton yarn to create this week's project . . . a simple dish cloth. During this class you will learn everything you need to know to begin knitting. $25.00 Class held Thursday, September 10 at 7 pm. You are also welcome to book a private class to suit your schedule. Call for details or to book a private class.

Back to School Layout Class

Sign up now for a delightful two-page layout class to be held Wednesday, September 9 at 1 pm and 7 pm. The theme is back to school and the main colours are red, yellow and blue. Here's a sneak peek at one of the elements in the project. $15.00 Have more than one kid starting school this week? No problem. There will be additional kits available.

Happy Mothers Day . . .

. . . or in my case, Grandmother's Day. I spent a wonderful summer with my grandchildren but now its time to get back to "work" . . . and I bet you are looking forward to some "me time" . . . So why not Learn How to Crochet Crochet is fulfilling, creative hobby to enjoy for your lifetime. You will receive two crochet hooks, a darning needle, and acrylic yarn to create this week's project . . . a simple head hugger. During this class you will learn everything you need to know to begin crochet. $25.00 Classes held Tuesday, September 8 at 1 pm and 7 pm. You are also welcome to book a private class to suit your schedule. Call for details or to book a private class.